
Greenway park entrance
San Francisco, California

This rock has been found!

A message from the Universe-Upon finding a painted rock on Sunday, November 20, 2016…My husband Terrance and I play a game we call, “Message from the Universe.” We display found objects we find along the course of a day which resonate enough to bring it home, and share it by displaying the object on the table or wall. Today, I found this most beautiful hand-painted rock, which was lovingly adorned with paint and sparkles and ink. Before leaving the house, I decided not to spend any energy listening to politics or pundits on my mobile device, while going for our PM dog walk. I decided I would focus on seeing what was before me. And lo, didn't I look down and found this “message from the Universe” in a rock formation? Funny enough in our house, we also have a weekly rotating kitchen table art show called “Rock of the Week”, so this amazing found rock fits into not just one, but two sacred art categories in our household. It's a beautiful piece and the concept really made me smile. Made me feel happy. Made me feel relaxed. I also thought it was created by my neighbors across the street-Dan and Danielle. I am surprised and happy to find you. Do you take new recruits? I often give away rocks as gifts. No accidents, huh?

Thank you, Denise with Rock of the Week and Cecil the Cat.